Is a clutch covered under warranty?

Posted January 21st, 2025 by Sam Davis

Is a clutch covered under warranty?

Is a clutch covered under warranty has to be the one question we get asked the most and the short answer is; that provided its covered under the plan in question; yes; in the event of a sudden and unforeseen mechanical breakage costs can be claimed towards a replacement. Simple enough right?

Not exactly, this does need a common sense approach when considering whether your likely to receive a financial pay-out towards the repair costs.  The first thing to remember is that no warranty provider; regardless of however grand their claims maybe; will maintain your car for you. Therefore if the clutch has reached the end of its serviceable life the cost of a replacement is likely to be deemed to be part of the ongoing cost of vehicle ownership.

When replacing a clutch that’s broken its also likely the vehicle will enjoy a better condition after repair than it did prior to failure. This is because the life expectancy of the item has effectively been reset. In this instance more often than not the warranty provider will seek a contribution towards the repair from the policy holder.

The covering of items associated with maintenance or those with a finite life expectancy is a complex area so its important that the consumer fully familiarises themselves with the terms and conditions of the agreement and knows what to expect in the event of a repair being required.